Physical Fitness
One of the core aspects of the Sokol program is the general fitness program designed for people of all ages. The goal of this program is to enhance health, fitness levels, and overall well-being. Sokol organizations across the United States offer a wide range of sports, including both popular and unique ones that cater to their respective communities. While competitive opportunities are available, Sokol equally welcomes those who are not interested in achieving high sports performance, but simply want to stay fit, healthy, and enjoy the experience.
Fitness classes are available for everyone from ages three to over 100. Sokol was founded on the principle that individuals who are physically fit, mentally alert, and culturally developed can help build a strong community. Everyone in the community can find what they are looking for at their local Sokol.
American Sokol Educational Programs aim to develop both physical and mental health. Their programs not only focus on physical fitness but also provide opportunities to broaden the mind.
Educational Programs:
Sokol Ideology
First Aid & CPR courses
Health and Nutrition
National Instructor School (annual summer program)
Skills Instruction
National Youth Camp (annual summer program)
Leadership Training
American Sokol Merit Award (Check back here for the 2020 application)
Sokol Libraries – National and Local
Preservation of Sokol History, The History of Sports and Gymnastics and Artifacts
Educational Films
Foreign Films
Czech Language
English as a Second Language
Contact your local Sokol for educational offerings.
The National Sokol Library, Archives and Museum
Located in the National Office – Brookfield, Illinois
By Appointment only. Please call 708.255.5397 to plan a visit!
Sokol provides a variety of classes that educate and cultivate its multi-cultural communities. We are committed to preserving and educating cultural values and awareness. Czech immigrants founded American Sokol, so the history and value of the Czech culture are still present and preserved in many aspects of the Sokol program and classes. This, coupled with a truly multicultural membership, is a foundation for the various Cultural Programs available.
Cultural Classes:
Folk Dancing
Ballroom Dancing
Acrobatic Dancing
Cooking Class
Foreign Film Night
Community Theater and Music Productions
International Travel
*Contact your local Sokol for cultural offerings*
One of Sokol’s greatest assets is its belief in the benefits of a truly social environment for the individual, community and family. Families give Sokol character, unity, and culture, promoting positive ideals and values. Many families have stayed involved in Sokol for generations. Lifelong friendships and bonds are formed when joining Sokol.